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Suppliers Of
Solid Timber Flooring (Indoor) In UAE


Suppliers Of Solid Timber Flooring (Indoor) In UAE

A solid wood floor is a traditional hardwood floor made of one continuous piece of wood. Depending on the desired look of the floor, the wood can be cut in three ways: apartment-sawn, quarter-sawn, and fluted. The wood is cut to the desired dimensions and either packaged unfinished for installation on site or finished in the factory. The moisture content at the time of manufacture is carefully controlled to ensure that the product does not warp during transportation and storage.

Solid wood floors are usually supplied as a raw product. Solid wood floors look fantastic, age well and can be sanded and polished several times making them a great long term option.

Solid wood floors expand in humid conditions and contract in dry periods. To minimize expansion and contraction after installation, the wood must be kiln dried and aged to achieve a perfect moisture content in the wood.

14Solid Timber Flooring Indoor Suppliers In Uae

Advantages of Solid wood floor are

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